Deadmau5 has been busy at work lately producing a huge group of new tunes. This guy lives and breathes house music. A lot of people have lately been proposing that Deadmau5 is now too mainstream and too well known. My retort: Who cares? Being popular doesn't devalue your work unless you let it. Maybe some people just need to feel they are always on the cutting edge and once the secret is out, so are they. I understand where this thinking comes from as it's always nice to share a niche (musical, cultural or whatever) with a group of friends but what I'm not agree with is that an artist is too 'played out' because every Joe bro knows them and has googled how to make a Deadmau5 mask. The problem I have with bands/producers going mainstream is the assimilation of their sound to a radio friendly, cheap-pop style of music that will appeal to the masses simply to appeal to the masses. In no way does Deadmau5 fit this criteria; he does things his own way, and hopefully always will. He constantly pushes the barriers of his genre and has now released a couple new tunes to further support his case, which brings us to the reason for this post (sorry about all that, feeling a tad preachy this morning).
First up, his remix of Pendulum's 'Watercolor'. I really like the vocals on this track so it gets off on the right foot with me immediately. Keep in mind this song, like the majority of his new tunes, is made for an arena or a festival. It may not sound too terrific playing out of your 5 year old 2.1 logitech speakers you're 'borrowing' from your roommate. If you've ever seen him live just visually implant this song somewhere in the set and you'll see what I mean. If not...it's called Youtube. Deadmau5 masterfully uses a catchy chorus to elevate this song to another level. It has me salivating for the next time I see the man live, and hopefully it will have you too.
Next, his original production 'Some Chords'. This song definitely has the Deadmau5y sound to it. At nearly 8 minutes long you'll have plenty of time to enjoy it through its progressive journey, starting out slow and moving its way to one of his trademark energy infused chorus'. Somehow he has managed to keep his original sound and kept our ears excited with new melodies and synths that will have you scratching your head and hitting the rewind button (in a good way).
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